Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thank you

This is my 34th blog. I have been in Germany 18 weeks, so that is just under two blogs a week. Really, that doesn't seem too be much of a big deal because in our m0dern times blogging has often become an obsession with people, but for me it is remarkable. First of all, I have never in my life been a consistent journaler. I write things in spurts and then lose the book I was writing in, or merely lose interest until something in my life shakes things up and I have to record my thoughts. So the fact that I have written about so many mundane things and that I have written so often is something of a milestone. I named to blog An Occasional Day to constantly remind people that I was not promising frequent regular updates, but this has turned into something far more therapeutic. It has been a relief to write about my adventures and even occasionally my thoughts, and particularly encouraging when it provokes comments from you dear people. It's not in any was surprising to me that this has turned out to be a much needed contact with home, but I thought I would verbalize that for everyone who reads what I write here. Thank you for taking the time to read, to drop a note, and to think of me. It warms these cold and foggy times.


IndianaJones said...

I'm so glad you've been blogging and I know when you look back on your time in Germany you will be so thankful for a little record of the daily.
I always enjoy reading your posts because even if you are halfway round the world you add to a community of people that I adore and could never be thankful enough for the contribution you give to that community from afar.
Good for you for proving once again that people can and do change...that brings much hope.
Here's to many more blogs!

meg said...

i've missed reading your blog for a couple of weeks, because on my google reader you were lost at the very bottom, alas, this is my fault and i just wanted to say hi and let you know i'm catching up on all your happenings!

i can't wait to hear more...

twig said...

ich leibe dich.

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