Saturday, July 7, 2007

Welcome friends

Hello and welcome to An Occasional Day. This will by my adventure update for the next year addressed to all of you who are curious about my goings on in Germany. I will post at least once a month, so if you check in on it every six months you should have a nice bit to peruse. Thanks for reading and since you are one who reads this, I assume that you also merit my thanks for your interest and involvement in my life. Thank you.


IndianaJones said...

Hey Val,
I'm excited for you and look forward to experiencing just a touch of your life through this blog...
Watch out Germany Valerie W. is on her way!

meg said...

hi val, welcome to the world of the blogger and for all our sakes, please blog or at least post photos more than once a month! cause we're gunna miss you.

CAS said...

wow val! how did your trip come about? where will you be going? with whom will you be living? hope all is well--colin

Erin Michelle said...

I'm very excited that you have started a blog, Val. It'll be great fun to read about your aventures. :D

gabe said...

Dear Val,

We miss you already. I am glad you will be blogging. It will be good to hear how you are doing and what you are learning.

Take good care of yourself,
